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Kids Music Worth Airing!
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    For more than a decade, I've been writing about kids music worth sharing.

    Like many of you reading this, I was once a newly-minted parent, trying to find music I could listen to with my kids without going batty after repeated spins.  I was not having much luck, and what few reviews I could find were brief and failed to make quality distinctions between what was OK and what was AWE.SOME.

    Luckily for me (and my kids), my interest in finding age-appropriate music coincided with 3 major trends:

    1) Lots of musicians started thinking that making music for families was nothing to be ashamed of.

    2) Lots of parents started thinking that they, too, would like a greater variety of music to listen to with their kids.

    3) Teh internets blew up big time.

    So in 2002 I started writing music reviews for my wife's parenting group newsletter and in 2004 I started posting those reviews on the internet.  Since then I've crafted hundreds of reviews, posted hundreds of videos, and written a million words or more on the topic of kids music.

    I hope this site helps you find music you and your own family can sing, dance, and groove to.


    Thanks for reading,
