Songs With Wheels (Car Songs, Truck Songs, Bike Songs, You Get The Idea)

I participated today in Little Boy Blue's classroom. It was the tail-end of two weeks of transportation-themed activities, where the preschool brings in tons of different vehicles for the kids to explore. Today was a Jeep. Yesterday, sadly (for me), was the ice cream truck.
So, anyway, I gave you a list of train songs last week. Here, then, are more songs about getting around, this time focusing on cars, trucks, bikes, and a whole bunch of other ways of getting around by wheel.
(And, as always, your favorites that I've missed are welcome in the comments.)
Bicycles and Tricycles
"Tricycle" - Lunch Money Silly Reflection
"Charlie Davidson's Tricycle Club" - Parker Bent Charlie Davidson's Tricycle Club
"Tricycle" - Frances England Fascinating Creatures
"I Love To Ride My Bike" - Jamie Barnett I Love To Ride My Bike
"Training Wheel Rag" - Asylum Street Spankers Mommy Says No!
"My Bike" - Candy Band Calling All Kids
"Bicycle Ride" - Gwendolyn And The Good Time Gang Get Up & Dance
"Bicycle" - The Jellydots Hey You Kids!
"Rainbow Road" - Recess Monkey Monkey Town
"Pedal Power" - Recess Monkey Tabby Road
"Bike" - The Sippy Cups Kids Rock for Peas
"Bicycle Built For Two" - Sweet Baby Dessesrts The Family Hootenanny
"School Bus Driver" - Danny Adlerman One Size Fits All
"School Bus Driver" - Daddy-A-Go-Go Rock Of All Ages
"School Bus" - Rocknoceros Dark Side Of The Moon Bounce
"Yellow Bus" - Justin Roberts Yellow Bus
"Wheels On The Bus" (natch) - try Kyle Andrews on For The Kids Three or Old Town School Of Folk Music's Songs For Wiggleworms
"Drive The Car" - Meredith Brooks If I Could Be...
"I Know I'm Gonna Drive A Car" - Rebecca Frezza Road Trip
"Road Trip" - Rebecca Frezza Road Trip
"Drive My Car" - Laurie Berkner Under A Shady Tree
"Riding Without Fighting" - Adam and the Couch Potatoes One Size Fits All!
"Car Car" - Woody Guthrie, or try Elizabeth Mitchell's You Are My Sunshine
"Riding in my Car" - Dave Hamilton Wiggleworms Love You
"Race Cars Go" - The JellydotsHey You Kids!
"Art Car" - The Hipwaders Educated Kid
"In The Car" - Justin Roberts Yellow Bus
"Drivin' In My Car" - Ralph Covert Ralph's World
"Eight Hundred And Thirteen Mile Car Trip" - They Might Be Giants Here Come The 123s
"In the Middle, In the Middle, In the Middle" - They Might Be Giants No! (sort of)
Fire Engines
"Drive The Fire Truck" - Old Town School Of Folk Music Songs For Wiggleworms
"I'm A Fire Engine" - Uncle Rock Uncle Rock U
"The Fire Engine" - Randy Kaplan Loquat Rooftop
"Big Truck" - Rebecca Frezza Music In My Heart
"Dumptruck" - Ralph Covert The Amazing Adventures Of Kid Astro
"Eighteen Wheels On A Big Rig" - try Trout Fishing in America's version, or Ralph Covert At the Bottom Of The Sea
"Monster Truck" - Recess Monkey Tabby Road
Miscellany (Subways, Roller Coasters, Wagons, Tractors, Ice Cream Trucks, and Light Rail -- one day!)
"Subway" - David Weinstone, Music For Aardvarks And Other Mammals Park Slope Parents: The Album (Vol. 1)
"Roller Coaster" - Joe McDermottEverybody Plays Air Guitar
"Roller in the Coaster" - Justin Roberts Way Out
"Roller Coaster" - Lunch Money Silly Reflection
"I Hear A Train (NYC Subway Song)" - Michael Leyden Park Slope Parents: The Album (Vol. 1)
"Old Red #7" - Ralph's World Green Gorilla, Monster & Me
"Little Red Wagon" - Timmy Abell Little Red Wagon
"The Tractor Goes Chug Chug Chug" - Jason Ringenberg A Day At The Farm With Farmer Jason
"Ice Cream Man" - Johnny Bregar Firefly
"Going to Grandma's" - Timmy Abell Little Red Wagon

Reader Comments (1)
"I Like Trucks" Wayne Potash on YouTube
"Street Sweeper" Wayne Potash, Don't Forget the Donut
"Backhoes" Wayne Potash, A Day In The Life
"Stunt Car" Wayne Potash, Don't Forget the Donut
"I'm A Rocket" Wayne Potash, Music Fun
"Allis Chalmers (Ode To A Tractor" on