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Entries in Gustafer Yellowgold (42)


Video: "Getting In A Treetop" - Gustafer Yellowgold

The first video from the upcoming Gustafer Yellowgold CD/DVD set, Gustafer Yellowgold's Mellow Fever (out March 17), has been posted to YouTube. It's the mellow (of course) "Getting in a Treetop," which features a pretty vocal line from Morgan Taylor and some acrobatic somersaulting from the man in yellow.

Gustafer Yellowgold - "Getting In A Treetop"


Live in Phoenix: Gustafer Yellowgold (March 7, 2009)

GustaferBand.jpgThe weekend of March 7 and 8 is going to be, hands down, the biggest in Phoenix kids music history. I'll announce the March 8th thing shortly, but today I'm talking about the first Arizona appearance of Gustafer Yellowgold. Morgan Taylor will be bringing his Gustafer show to Phoenix on March 7, as part of the concert series I'm organizing at the Children's Museum of Phoenix.

They'll be playing two 25-minute sets -- one at 10 AM, one at noon -- on the 7th. I don't think they're bringing the vine-covered set, but I'm guessing you won't care about that. The show is free with Museum admission.

I am very excited.

(Oh, and if you're in Arizona but for some reason can't make it the 7th or are the world's biggest Gustafer fan, there will be a Gustafer Yellowgold show Sunday the 8th at 3 PM at Tucson's Loft Cinema.)


New Gustafer Yellowgold Disk Due March 17

GYMellowFever.jpgI gotta admit, Gustafer Yellowgold's Mellow Fever is a slightly odd title, though I like the symmetry/replacement thing of sorts going on with this and his last title (Have You Never Been Yellow?).

Aw, but who am I kidding -- it's a new Gustafer Yellowgold set!

Due out March 17, this third Gustafer DVD/CD set features some guest stars -- John Stirratt and Pat Sansone of Wilco and Lisa Loeb, not to mention some characters, such as Wincey the ferret and Sisson the blue worm, that haven't received a lot of (or any) attention on disk. (Plus a mockumentary, "Looking For... Gustafer Yellowgold." When does "Behind the Music: Gustafer Yellowgold" get its release?)

Here's the track listing:
1. Getting in a Treetop
2. Sunpod
3. Melter Swelter (ha!)
4. Butter Pond Lake
5. Sugar Boat (features John Stirratt and Pat Sansone)
6. Panther Stamps Pants
7. Underwater Stars
8. Quite Easily Lost (features Lisa Loeb)
9. An Erring Ant
10. Green Heart
11. Constellation Pies


Can An Animated Character Win a Songwriting Contest?

Well, when you're Gustafer Yellowgold, why, yes, you can. Morgan Taylor credited the writing of "Mint Green Bee" to the yellow dude with the mellow 'tude (except, of course, as pertaining to cheese or cake), and now Gustafer's won Session I of the Children's Division of the 2008 John Lennon Songwriting Contest. Go there to download a copy of the song and congratulations to him for joining other previous Grand Prize Winners such as Joe McDermott, Kristen Andreassen, Thaddeus Rex, and Cathy Fink & Marcy Marxer.


That's More Like It: A KidVid '08 Doubleheader

Ah, back to 2 KidVid Tournament 2008 matchups a day. Over at Offsprung we have a battle to be the champion of the Pete Seeger Region -- Gustafer Yellowgold's "Pinecone Lovely" against Mr. Richard's "Cheese."

Vote here by 9 PM Thursday night.

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