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Entries in They Might Be Giants (87)


Video: "Meet the Elements" (Live on Jimmy Fallon) - They Might Be Giants

I know, I just posted a video for this song yesterday. But. It's an awesome song, and if the moment at about 1:13 into this clip of They Might Be Giants performing the song on last night's Late Night With Jimmy Fallon isn't the "greatest moment in television history," as one YouTuber suggested it might be, it's pretty darn close.

They Might Be Giants - "Meet the Elements" (Live on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon) [YouTube]


Video: "Meet the Elements" - They Might Be Giants

I told you before how much I liked "Meet the Elements" from They Might Be Giants' Here Comes Science CD/DVD. The song is great -- the video, directed by Matt Eller and Bill Morrison of Feel Good Anyway (more details here) is perfect. Stop what you're doing and watch this.

They Might Be Giants - "Meet the Elements" [YouTube]


Track Review: "Waves" - They Might Be Giants (from Here Comes Science)

HereComesScience.jpgThink you've heard all the songs on They Might Be Giants' Here Comes Science (review)? Well, you probably haven't, as Amazon now has the album up in mp3 format (iTunes previously had an exclusive). It includes an Amazon-exclusive track called "Waves." Assuming that you already have the album, is the track worth your 99 cents? Clocking in at just over a minute and a half, it's not an instant classic, not like "Meet the Elements" or "I Am a Paleontologist," and has a B-side feel. But it's not without merit. It's electronic in sound, a little bit like "Am I Awake?" off Indestructible Object, and it's one of the most straightforward lesson songs from the new album, conveying how sound and light and water move in waves. It's not essential for the casual listener, but if you're a fan (or have a science unit on light or sound coming up), it's worth the 99 cents. (Thanks to This Might Be A Wiki for the heads up on its availability.)


Video: "Put It To the Test" - They Might Be Giants

All things considered, "Meet The Elements" is my favorite video off They Might Be Giants' Here Comes Science DVD/CD. (I'll post that one some day when it gets stripped of all the Boing Boing folderol.)

But "Put It To the Test" is -- hands down (whatever that means) -- the funniest.

They Might Be Giants - "Put It To the Test" [YouTube]


There Once Was a Duo From Brooklyn

Who for a good limerick was searchin'.
Five winners there will be,
of a Here Comes Science DVD,
Monday's the deadline for a science-themed version.

OK, that's pretty bad. But I've already got a copy of the album, so I guess I can deal.

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