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    "Chicken Soup Ballad" - Ben Rudnick & Friends

    Artist: Ben Rudnick & Friends

    Song: "Chicken Soup Ballad"

    Album: Love Is a Superpower

    Description: Personally, I find the enthusiasm the animated leftovers have for being made into a soup a little confusing -- should they be accepting their sacrifice quite so joyfully? -- but the song (and video) moves along nicely.

    Source: YouTube


    "I Want to Push Buttons" - Lunch Money

    Artist: Lunch Money

    Song: "I Want to Push Buttons"

    Album: Original Friend

    Description: A live recording, though not "live" (no screaming/twirling/dancing kids jumping up front) of the most t-shirt-y band in kids music.  (I say that with much, much affection.  The t-shirt and jeans look of the band is part and parcel of who they are and I wouldn't want them any other way.)

    Source: YouTube


    "Crazy Crazy Dinner Lady" - Nick Cope

    Artist: Nick Cope

    Song: "Crazy Crazy Dinner Lady"

    Album: N/A

    Description: Tender meets deranged meets lo-fi animation from Cope's son Burt.  Trust me, give it at least 90 seconds before deciding whether to shut it off... it grows on you...

    Source: YouTube


    "Make Me" - Big Bang Boom

    Artist: Big Bang Boom

    Song: "Make Me"

    Album: Because I Said So

    Description: In the time-honored tradition of videos featuring a band acting goofy and being entirely unrelated to the song, the North Carolina band goes to a children's museum and has fun.  I really, really like the song, though.  So that's why it's here.

    Source: YouTube



    "Sleep Eye" - Elizabeth Mitchell

    Artist: Elizabeth Mitchell

    Song: "Sleep Eye"

    Album: Little Seed: Songs for Children by Woody Guthrie

    Description: This is such a minimalist song video -- and in it, is its beauty.  Mitchell and her husband Daniel Littleton with little more than two guitars (one used only for percussive purposes) create a perfect little lullaby, recorded live at the Smithsonian Institution.

    Source: Vimeo