Piñata Party - Moona Luna

Artist: Moona Luna
Album: Piñata Party
Description: Pop meets Alt-Latino (or Alt-Latina) meets Sesame Street meets (at least on one track) Dan Zanes
Source: Bandcamp / Zooglobble review

Artist: Moona Luna
Album: Piñata Party
Description: Pop meets Alt-Latino (or Alt-Latina) meets Sesame Street meets (at least on one track) Dan Zanes
Source: Bandcamp / Zooglobble review
Artist: Future Hits
Album: Songs for Learning
Description: Chicago lo-fi alt-rock meets curriculum standards. Features support from Chicago kindie stalwart Little Miss Ann and Chicago proto-producer Mark Greenberg.
Source: Bandcamp
Artist: John Upchurch and Mark Greenberg
Album: John and Mark's Children's Record
Description: I have long been on the record as being a huge fan of this album. So much so that I'm willing to make you jump through a couple hoops (when normally I'd just post an embedded widget) just so you can listen to the album one (mis-ordered) song at a time. Trust me, it's worth it. Go here and type "john and mark's children's record" (without the quotation marks) into the search box on the left. Enjoy.
Source: Mayfair Workshop
Artist: Miss Gail and the Jumpin' Jam Band
Album: Quiet Time EP
Description: Raucous rockers to keep the neighbors awake! Erm, no. Five calm original songs featuring Gail Burnett's lovely voice accompanied by guitar, cello, and bass. Good wind-down music.
Source: Bandcamp
Artists: Sugar Free Allstars / Recess Monkey
Song: "Working Together"
Album: N/A
Description: Sugare Free Allstars meets Recess Monkey, duh. Starts out a bit clunky, ends much more funky. As message songs go, it's better than most. (Purchase at iTunes, Amazon, CDBaby.)
Source: Bandcamp