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    Submitting Music for Review

    So you want to submit your album for review? Cool. Here are some guidelines.

    I've been reviewing kids music for more than a decade, and this website's been around since 2004.  So I've heard more than my fair share of music in that time.  Seriously -- the total is well over a thousand albums, and probably closer to 2,000.  I'm not suggesting that I've heard everything, but I've heard a lot.

    You can get in touch with me via the widget off to the side (or e-mail directly at zooglobble AT earthlink DOT net), but before you do, I suggest you do a few things:

    1) Spend some time here at the website -- figure out what I tend to cover, what I don't.  What I review and what I don't.  I like to think that I'm fairly broad in my coverage, but I certainly have preferences and biases and I think you can glean those from reading the site.  I don't want to discourage artists from sending me their music, but I think it's important that they understand my frame of reference.  (There's always my FAQ, too.)

    2) Read this piece I wrote a few years ago on submitting music for review.  Most of it still stands.  I still prefer physical copies to digital copies, though I know I'm a dinosaur in that regard.

    3) Read this piece I wrote for KinDIY on submitting music for review generally.  I think it still stands.

    All of this is not meant to scare you, because I really do want to hear your music -- I just want you to do your homework before you send that product of weeks/months/years of your life out into the world and my inbox/hard drive/mailbox.
