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    « Review: New Orleans Playground (Putumayo) - Various Artists | Main | Review: Songs For Family, Friends & Frogs - Mr. "S" »

    About Time

    The one downside to The Terrible Twos' excellent If You Ever See An Owl? You couldn't get it except for at New Amsterdams shows or the occasional Terrible Twos' show. I felt kinda bad telling everyone about it, really.

    Well, my guilt (such as it is) is near an end, because the band announced late last month that the album would be released in January 2007 by Kid Rhino / Paquito Records. About time that the rest of the world got a chance to hear these infectious tunes.

    And for those of you who've managed to snag a copy and are thinking, so what, the band also announced it'd be recording a couple new songs for a "Christmas EP." Methinks "Caroline," the story of a child who's birthday's just a little too close to Christmas for her taste, would also make an appearance on the EP...

    Reader Comments (2)

    Yea! Another record with a lable. How great for them. I love to hear things like this. Especially for someone cool like the Terrible Twos.
    October 15, 2006 | Unregistered Commenterdeb in sf
    Thanks for the update! I've been waiting for the release of this little gem ever since you called our attention to it (even though their recent adult album was somewhat panned). Can't wait to hear the rest of it. Consider yourself absolved of all guilt--such as it is :)
    October 16, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterKaty L

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