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    How Do You Like Dem Apples, Gustafer?

    News is slowly trickling out about V2/Artemis Records' new kids music imprint, Little Monster Records. And so far, they're batting 1.000. (See? It's baseball playoff time, and I made a baseball reference? Get it? Yeah, OK.)

    Not only have they signed up Gustafer Yellowgold, as previously rumored (they'll be re-releasing Gustafer Yellowgold's Wide Wild World DVD in March), they've also signed Robert Schneider, leader of the indie rock band The Apples in Stereo. Schneider's alter ego Robbert Bobbert and the Bubble Machine (with the year's best PR line -- "If the number of B's in a name represented fun, Robbert Bobbert & The Bubble Machine have cornered the market!") will release an album for Little Monster in spring 2007.

    They'll be performing together at Joe's Pub in New York City on Saturday, Nov. 4. Should be a blast -- if you're in NYC, go.

    Reader Comments (1)

    How so totally great for Gustafer. Them's good folks. So cool that things are going great for them!

    And we always need a little Apples. gravensteins are gone here, but those spaz-fests are always helped along by the Stereo ones.
    October 6, 2006 | Unregistered Commenterdeb in sf

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