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    Please Release Me: November (and December) 2006 Releases

    As we slide into November and December, the number of new releases is typically scaled back because there's, like, a bajillion different things going on. Setting aside the daylight-to-task ratio, which is at its lowest point of the year, who wants to compete against the hundreds, nay, thousands of Christmas-related CDs flooding the market? ("On the first day of Christmas / My auntie gave to me / A Christmas album from Kenny G.")

    Having said that, there are a few releases coming out here over the next couple months:

    Nov. 7: All Together Now - V/A (a Beatles covers album with a kids' chorus)
    Nov. 14: Play! - Milkshake
    Nov. 14: We Wanna Rock - Thaddeus Rex
    Nov. ??: Hey You Kids! - The Jellydots
    Dec. 5: Asian Dreamland - V/A (Putumayo)
    Dec. ??: Ernie & Neal - Rock the House

    Which of these should be on your gift list for the winter-based gift-giving holiday of your choice (or on the purchase list of your favorite local library)? Tune in... find out...

    Reader Comments (2)

    I gotta say I really, really enjoy the Jellydots...I'm looking forward to hear what you have to say.
    November 1, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterDevon
    cool!asian dreamland? I've been pining for some more stuff from places further afield...
    November 2, 2006 | Unregistered Commenterdeb in sf

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