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    "Under Construction" = New Music

    The new website for the Little Monster Records label isn't quite ready for prime time, with more "under construction" signs than Berlin in the 1990s. (Yes, I realize that Berlin wouldn't literally have "under construction" signs. Work with me here, folks -- I've never seen so many cranes in a city.)

    But probably due to the low-key nature of this website, we don't really care as long as the content's good, and in this case, with mp3s from All Together Now (the recently-released Beatles tribute CD) and upcoming Little Monster releases from Robbert Bobbert, Gustafer Yellowgold, Soulville, and Medeski, Martin & Wood, the content's good. The Robbert Bobbert and Gustafer tracks can also be heard on their myspace pages, but the Soulville and MMW tracks are new to me. MMW's "Where's the Music?" is funky and amusing, and I like both Soulville tracks, too.

    No, I have no idea who "Ralph & Ralph" are.

    Reader Comments (2)

    oooh! I'm going to make an only slightly educated guess that one of Ralph and Ralph is Ralph Carney. If that's true, it's going to be something totally rad! I saw on Ralph's myspace page way back that he was doing a kid's thing with another Ralph and then it was gone. He played Enzo's show a bit ago and was so amazingly fun with the kids and only a gazillion of his crazy wacked out fun instruments. It was a kick!
    November 14, 2006 | Unregistered Commenterdeb in sf
    yup, dat's me!! I have known the other Ralph, Ralph Legnini that is, since around 1982, he was in the upstate n.y. version of "Tin Huey" we ended up doing the music for a kid's show on HBO in 1988 called "Encyclopedia" and have been wanting to do more kid's stuff since then!!... well now we have a record that hopefully will be out by the spring....cheers, Ralph C
    November 18, 2006 | Unregistered Commenterralph carney

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