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    Time to Rebrand

    I had low expectations when I started this website.

    I wanted to share some music that was recorded with kids in mind that both kids and adults could find enjoyment in. But my bar for parental enjoyment was pretty low -- I was looking for music that wouldn't drive parents to rip the CD out of the minivan's player and drive over it repeatedly. My tagline -- "Music for kids that the parents won't hate" -- was a reflection of those low expectations.

    Even though the tagline is still not a bad reflection of my concerns, I've never been particularly enamored of it. I don't like the word "hate," and there's something distinctly negative about it (something implicitly acknowledged in the headline for the NPR piece I was in -- "Music For Kids That Even Parents Might Love").

    It's time to try out a new tagline.

    Snakes on a plane!

    OK, you're right, not good. So we're going with this:

    Kids music worth sharing.

    Reader Comments (2)

    We love love.

    We're ok with snakes. You should see Max rock his velvet snakeskin pants!

    But sharing is really the best. And you are a sharer of the upmost quality. Very, very nice!
    November 15, 2006 | Unregistered Commenterdeb in sf
    We use "snakes on a plane!" when life gets really nutty around our I suppose there's a case to be made for using it with kids and parents in mind. But I have come to believe that all of this really great music just might be the answer to world peace. Seriously. It's part of what's gotten me through the past six years (the intrinsic hope and the unbridled nuttiness of my kids has helped too). Then again, a tagline like "The answer to world peace" might be a bit overblown. So, I'm with you on the new one. More love, more music.

    November 15, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterKaty Lloyd

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