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    Isn't It Uke?

    A few weeks, Bill and I had a debate whether Paul Westerberg's endorsement of a cheapo $159 guitar was a good or bad thing.

    Prepare for Round 2.

    A note on Dan Zanes' latest newsletter (currently posted here) noted that he was selling a "limited edition" lime green ukelele for, yes, $159. (I'm guessing the quality will be a llittle better than that of the guitar.)

    Despite my ambivalence about the idea of plastering a name on an object and selling it, I quickly ordered one because a) it'll be a while before I can get the rehearsal space for the drum set I really want, and b) I noticed there were only 45 that were going to be made available and figured they would sell out very fast.

    Sure enough, they're already sold out.

    Now, can anybody sell me the Zanes-ian hair?

    Reader Comments (4)

    How I wanted that lime green uke! But the price was a bit too steep for our budget--and the fact (which my husband knows well) that the enthusiasm with which I buy some stuff ends long before it arrives via UPS. But do keep us posted on your progress with that way cool uke! Maybe we can all enjoy it vicariously through you.
    November 22, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterKaty L
    I thought about it for about a minute, then realized that we already have a uke at home that gets very little use. So then why add something else to our collection? Given Dan's message, I'd rather just donate the money to a charity instead of buying something that won't add to our lives.

    Can't help you with the hair, sorry.
    November 23, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterGwyneth
    Just to be clear -- my issue wasn't the cheapness, but the sale of the cheap guitar at Wal-Mart.
    November 23, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterBill Childs
    Bill, sorry I mischaracterized the objection (our feelings on Wal-Mart are definitely similar in nautre)...

    As for the uke, yeah, I sorta had the same feeling, Gwyneth. But I don't actually have a uke, and it's hard for me to haul around our piano for singalongs. If anything, it'll be nice to learn a new instrument -- I haven't done that for years...
    November 24, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterSAShepherd

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