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    Kids Music Phanaticism in Philly

    Phoenix might have just passed Philadelphia to become the nation's fifth-largest city and while I'm sure there can be plenty of trash-talk exchanged at such a time, one thing is clear -- Philly has Phoenix's kids-and-family music scene whupped.

    Just check out the list of upcoming artists at World Cafe Live's Peanut Butter & Jams Series: Lunch Money, SteveSongs, Trout Fishing in America, They Might Be Giants, Gustafer Yellowgold, the Deedle Deedle Dees, AudraRox, Rebecca Frezza, Ernie & Neal, Uncle Rock, Justin Roberts, and Robbie Schaefer. Among others.

    Whew. That's an impressive list, for whom much credit needs to go to Stephanie Mayers, who's moved on to do PR work for artists.

    Did I mention that the golfing is excellent this time of year 'round here?

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