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    Yet Another Kids Music Compilation

    Not to be confused with YAKMA (Yet Another Kids Music Article), YAKMC reflects what will certainly be a trend to watch in 2007 -- compilations of kids music by "adult" artists.

    I've known about this compilation for a few months now, but now that it has a release date, it's time to get the word out.

    DeSoto Records, home to artists such as Jawbox and (the late) Dismemberment Plan, has finally announced a April 17, 2007 release date for its three-years-in-the-making compilation Play. With artists such as the Young Fresh Fellows, Mudhoney, and Supersuckers, it will at the very least be interesting to listen to.

    (By the way, if you're a fan of Jawbox, you may be interested in the news regarding Callum Robbins, the infant son of Jawbox singer/guitarist J. Robbins (who's gone on to produce bands such as Jets to Brazil). Cal has been diagnosed with Spinal Muscular Atrophy and the DeSoto website is soliciting donations on behalf of the family for what will likely be expensive medical bills.)

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