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    Review in Brief: Music For Tots - Little Miss Ann

    MusicForTots.jpgWith experience singing in Old Town School of Folk Music Wiggleworms classes, Chicago-based Ann Torralba would seem a logical choice for recording a CD targeted at the preschool set. And sure enough her debut kids' CD as "Little Miss Ann," Music For Tots, is geared for exactly those kids. A folk-poppy blend of traditional kids' songs, covers, and originals, the 22-minute disk is notable for its arrangements, which take out-of-the-ordinary approaches to familiar songs. Sometimes these arrangements sound great, such as on "You Are My Sunshine," which is given a different melody and jazzy percussion background, or "Pirate Ship," which employs a tin whistle to fun effect. Other tracks' arrangements aren't as endearing (the rhythm on the Pete Seeger-inspired "Edamame" was just, well, too angular, for example), but Torralba gets points for at least trying something different. (And I particularly enjoyed the Torralba originals.)

    The disk is appropriate for kids ages 1 through 5. You can hear samples of all the tracks (and purchase the CD) here. With its reinterpretations of traditional songs, this disk would work really well in preschool programs. And while I don't think the CD will become the favorite of many families, Little Miss Ann's musical and lyrical re-interpretations on Music For Tots are good for the occasional sing-along for young families.

    Reader Comments (3)

    We got a copy of this one as a gift.

    I dig a woman singing a pirate song. I don't hear that too often. Neat "you are my sunshine" too. It's fun to hear it a different way and takes some guts to totally redo a standard like that, I think.

    Yeah, she's pushing. It works sometimes. It's refreshing sometimes. I think this is one that would grow on us after listening a lot of times. Annie's preschool might like it, too.
    January 1, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterdeb in sf
    Ann's c.d is fantastic!!! I run a children's program and use her music in all of our classes and just around for playtime fun! It is great for the kids and the adults love it too!!! She is talented and engaging. Highly recommended!
    January 2, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterDawn
    I loved the cd! It's so refreshing to listen to a kids cd that also is enjoyable for adults. The melodies and lyrics are inspiring and creative and is a fav in our family!
    January 18, 2007 | Unregistered Commentercbm

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