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    Local Man Talks About Kids Music on NPR

    Tries not to say anything really silly.

    If you glance today at the rundown for Tuesday's NPR afternoon/evening newsprogram All Things Considered, you'll see a note that the Wednesday Dec. 6 show will include a piece with some guy talking about kids' music... hey, wait, that's me!

    Yes, I did really say "on their own time and their own dime." My wife said, "But that's so cliched!" I pointed out that I actually combined two cliched phrases. Which makes it not cliched.

    You can go to the rundown page above after 4 PM EST today for a link to my interview, which will also include an audio link after 7:30 PM EST. If, you know, you don't actually listen to National Public Radio on the radio.

    Reader Comments (2)

    Ok, I'm going to have to comment TWICE, because I'm so psyched for you (and us!). Wow. I don't actually listed to the radio (sorta Waldorf without being Waldorf). I'm so glad you told so I can listen special today. cool, cool, cool. cliches or no....
    December 6, 2006 | Unregistered Commenterdeb in sf
    ok, wow again. That was fabulous. Very articulate and fun. I bet your 15 minutes hasn't even started yet. Good job and thank you.
    December 6, 2006 | Unregistered Commenterdeb in sf

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