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Please Release Me (May 2006 Edition)

An admittedly selective (or perhaps not) list of upcoming children and family music releases:

May 2: Beethoven's Wig 3 (Richard Perlmutter), Eat Every Bean and Pea on Your Plate (Daddy-A-Go-Go)
May 9 (or 16): Catch That Train! (Dan Zanes and Friends)
May 16 (without a doubt): Johnny Cash Children's Album (Johnny Cash, natch)
May 20: Paws, Claws, Scales & Tales (Monty Harper) -- kids' librarians, check out for more info
May 23: Folk Playground (Putumayo, Various Artists)

We'll be reviewing many of these CDs in the weeks ahead. We'll be reviewing a whole bunch of other stuff, too, so if the stuff above doesn't tickle your fancy-bone, maybe something else will.

In addition to these releases, we expect new albums from a bunch of Zooglobble favorites, but we'll wait until we hear something more definite before mentioning it. Cautious are we. Talk like Yoda we do sometimes.

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