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    « Review: Make Some Noise - The Quiet Two | Main | Mick Jones, Children's Musician »

    Brady's Bunch

    Brady Rymer. Elizabeth Mitchell. Hayes Greenfield. I doubt another lineup will top this, the best one-day-only concert of 2006. Heck, it can even give those multi-day festivals in Chicago and Austin a run for their money. Pity our family has no plans to beanywhere near Long Island on August 27.

    Oh, and Brady, you really should blog more often. That Clearwater Folk Festival entry was fun to read.

    Reader Comments (1)

    hi! i'm Claudia Mussen, Brady's back-up vocalist and accordion player..The jamboree last weekend was a blast! It rained non-stop which led us to name the event, " baby woodstock"..many many thanks to all who came out in the rain and rocked with us..such fun!
    September 1, 2006 | Unregistered Commenterclaudia

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