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    Please Release Me: August 2006 Edition

    I skipped July, didn't I? Slacker. Well, it would've been a short list (at the time, anyway). But August? August is shaping up as a little more crowded...

    August 1: Go Baby Go - Baby Loves Jazz (Various Artists)
    August 1: If I Could Be... - Meredith Brooks
    August 8: A World of Music - Toucan Jam
    August 8: What's Eatin' Yosi? - Yosi (national release)
    August 22: Marvelous Day - Stevesongs (re-release on Rounder Records -- say that three times fast)
    August 29: You Are My Little Bird - Elizabeth Mitchell (on Smithsonian Folkways)

    But wait, there's more!

    September will see the release of new stuff from Trout Fishing in America and ScribbleMonster (maybe).

    And then there's October, October 3rd in particular, which is shaping up to be a very crowded release date. The third album from Milkshake, Play. [Edit: I've been told the album may come out just a leeeetle bit later.] The third album from The Sippy Cups, which has, hands-down, the best kids' music album name of the year, Electric Storyland. And the DVD/CD release from Ralph's World, Welcome to Ralph's World. Actually, I've seen that listed on various e-tailers' sites as both 10/3 and 10/10, so it could be either. We shall see...

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