Laurie Berkner('s) Congas!

I know someone who says it should be a goal to learn something new every day.
So, in that spirit, and thanks to the Laurie Berkner/"Farm Song"-related clarifications of Deb in SF and Katy L, here you go (thanks, Wikipedia!):
Bongo drum: Percussion instrument made up of two small drums attached to each other
Conga: Tall, narrow, single-headed Cuban drum of African origin, probably derived from the Congolese Makuta drums.
This is my favorite factoid: "Someone who plays the bongos is called a bongocero." "Bongocero" sounds cooler than "conguero."
Bongocero. It's my new favorite word.
Reader Comments (1)
We took the kids to see a RAD conguero leading a latin band a few months ago at the SFJazzFest who might change your mind. His name was John Santos and he performed with the Machete Ensemble (their farewell performance, sadly). We learned lots new that day. He's a great teacher. And has lots of records on CDBaby.