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« Review: It's A Bam Bam Diddly! - Father Goose | Main | Brandon Reese: the Next Giselle Potter? »

Sox? Rox? No, Rex.

Yeah, so that whole Diamondbacks - Rockies series didn't go well for this Diamondbacks fan. Can't say that the Rockies played awesome, but they sure played better than the D-Backs.

So as with any fan who watches their team completely blow their big chance, I felt a little down, like I needed some headbanging. By, uh, dinosaurs. Playing, uh, "This Old Man."

The animation is rudimentary, and I'm probably missing 95% (OK, 99%) of the references in the video, but as far aping metal cliches, Rockosaurus Rex has got it down pat. For more, check out their Myspace page, which includes a new demo song, a version of "Hush Little Baby" which is 100% guaranteed to not get your baby to sleep.

Reader Comments (1)

sorry to hear about your team.

I'm not sure how anyone could really make that song NOT annoying to me, but I think my son (who was explaining different sub-genres of rock to me today on the way home from school) will LOVE it.
October 24, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterdeb in sf

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