New Album Next Year From Steve Lee. Also, DIY Video.

It's taken me a little long to get around to this, but Nashville's Steve Lee announced 2-3 weeks ago that he's completing work on a new album. In Lee's own words:
"The whole record will not be a "kids" cd. But I will be taking the kid songs from the record and making a remix ep for the kidz babyyyyyy."
Aside from the extra "y"s in that sentence, I'm down with that...
Really, go to his Myspace page and give his tunes from 2007's What Did You Do Today, Stephen Scott Lee? (particularly "Grab A Balloon") a spin. (Or listen to the whole thing here.)
And, if you want to watch a do-it-yourself from the funky traffic-rule-discussing "Green Means Go," then Lee's got ya covered, too:
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