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    KidVid: "I Found It!" - Brady Rymer

    The first video from New York musician Brady Rymer and the Little Band That Could, for the peppy roots-rockin' "I Found It!," has been available on Rymer's website for a couple weeks now, but I was waiting for it to appear on YouTube.

    Well, now I've found it! (Groan.)

    I like the song, I like the way the backup singers appear everywhere, I like the general good-naturedness of the video. It's actually reminiscent of a lot of videos for adult bands. It's a concert video with a lot of happy fans, but it's that general good-naturedness -- the way Rymer sings about his '57 Gibson guitar -- that distinguishes it from what you might have seen on MTV 20 years ago.

    Reader Comments (2)

    Saweeet! What a great kid's song! And great video. Fun and easy. Max saw the backflip at the end and said "AWESOME! I've been working on that move, but I don't quite have it down yet."

    I love all the found stuff at the end. It's so cute.
    February 13, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterdeb in sf
    He performs just the way I imagined he would--fun, genuine, smiley, silly, and with lot's of kids roaming and rocking and bouncing about. If he ever comes to Seattle maybe he'll let me sing back-up to :)
    February 13, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterKaty L

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