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    One More SXSW Kids Music Artist. Sort Of.

    Just in case you get into Austin early for the Saturday Town Lake Kids' Show (and, no, folks, "Mastodon" is most definitely not a kids-friendly band about dinosaurs), you can also hear Uncle Rock (or at least his real alter ego, Robert Burke Warren) on a panel discussing kids' music. Also on the panel, rock journalist Holly George-Warren (the panel's big draw, who has also written a kids' book on country music and happens to be Robert's wife), and a Razor & Tie label representative.

    I do hope, at the very least, that at least the panelists will refrain from using the phrase "junior hipster."

    Reader Comments (1)

    I was having a similar conversation earlier today. And, yes. The "junior hipster" thing takes "hipster parent" about 5 steps further down the road of way too much. I'd be happy to never hear that "h" word again!
    February 18, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterdeb in sf

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