I'm the Ted Williams of Live, Kid-Friendly Music

Ted Williams was the last person to hit .400 for a baseball season, and now I'm duplicating the feat (using my own, very narrow, self-selected definition). 5 shows, 2 with our family's attendance...
-- Trout Fishing in America: They played here the weekend before last. I know that Trout's music appeals to all ages, but the fact that they played at the auditorium smack-dab in the community of Sun City -- which prohibits kids from living there -- amused me slightly. In any case, it's a long drive out there from our house, and since we were co-hosting a Chinese New Year's party that night, we took a pass. Hopefully next time...
-- Baby Loves Disco: All four of us attended the soiree in Scottsdale this weekend and had a fun time (again). I'll have more on this maybe next week.
-- The Terrible Twos: Argh. This show was schedule at the very last minute, so late that there was zero confirmation of the show except on the band's myspace page. We had guests visiting that afternoon, and shooing them out the door a little early so we could see a show that no human had actually confirmed seemed, well, my wife drew the line at that. And, yeah, that would have been bush-league. (So needless to say, I was a little disappointed when the venue's owner called up later that night and said that, yes, the show did indeed go on.) Hopefully next time...
-- Dan Zanes: Sunday, April 22nd, Tucson. We are there. I can't wait. I'm bringin' the uke.
-- Finally, some radio show's hootenanny in Brooklyn on March 24: Either that or the Park Slope Parents CD-release party on March 25th would be a lot of fun. It would also be terribly inconvenient, geographically (not to mention I'm already out of town that weekend).
So are you listening, West Coast? San Francisco, Los Angeles, Seattle, Portland -- I'm talking to you -- each of you have enough kids' artists that you could put together a pretty good hootenanny yourself. (Or if you all want to come out to Phoenix, let me know...) Don't let the East Coast Bias win!
Reader Comments (9)
I don't know who all reads these comments, though, so Stefan, can you make a post asking for Northwest kids' artists to get in touch with me if they're interested in putting together a show like that?
We'd love to come to Arizona! Play some tunes (maybe get a uke lesson) and catch Felix Hernandez and Ichiro of the Mariners. Alas, we're stuck in the Pac NW teaching until late June. Maybe sometime next year.
We'd be all for a West Coast Hootenany. Seattle-area in August or Seattle/Portland/San Fransisco in the Fall. We'd be willing to help organize an event, especially here in the Emerald City.
Wait, I've got cousins... Make that an audience of eight.
Why aren't there more kids' music festivals around the country? How about a festival in North Idaho, at the city park next to beautiful Lake Coeur d'Alene. We're hungry for this kind of stuff around here.
There's been a lot of interest in folks coming this way. Some Seattle folks have even spoken of it...
You guys can email me at debraunatsbcglobaldotnet and I will totally, seriously work on it. Or if we have to come up there, maybe that's how it will work. But the WEST has to do something. Drew, Eric, let's talk.
I'm not missing that East Coast party, though... too much fun to pass up!
OK, maybe you have a "job" or something. Sigh...
These days I'm mostly around Southern California - fortunately someone is tending my farm in Virginia in my absence (I hope!)
Anyhow, would love the excuse/opportunity to play up north - whether SF or beyond - I'm scheduled in the Paramount/Moore in Seattle Feb 08 but, hey let's make music now!
Buck Howdy