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    It's Already February, And I Have A Third Most Favorite Song

    Yes, "I Wish I Lived In Michigan" is awesome. So is "I Hog The Ground (Groundhog Song)".

    But I have a third awesome song to share: Georgie James' "The Grizzly Jive."

    The track is off the forthcoming DeSoto Records kids' compilation Play!, which I've been anticipating for awhile now.

    I got an advance copy this week, and while you'll have to wait awhile for my review, this bubbly indiepop track from the new-ish DC-based duo is just so great that I need to spread the word now.

    And I find to my delight DeSoto Records is super-obliging, offering up a full mp3 of the song at its Downloads page. You can also download "Always Check For Holes," from Channels w/ Damon Locks. (Channels includes former Jawbox member J. Robbins and Janet Morgan, who supplies the British accent on the track.)

    Go. Now.

    Reader Comments (2)

    Very catchy stuff! I mean it as a compliment when I say that "Grizzly Jive" reminds me of the Terrible Twos' "When I Get to Eleven" (when is their album coming out anyway???...tapping toes). And "Holes" sounds like it could have been done by They Might Be Giants.
    February 6, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterKaty L
    Oh yeah! That's rockin'! And so sweet it almost sounds Canadian. But they're from DC... by way of Canada? Dig.
    February 7, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterdeb in sf

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