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    If The Groundhog Can't Watch His Video on YouTube, What Does That Mean?

    Eagle-eyed Mrs. Davis has noticed that Steve Burns' and Steven Drozd's "I Hog The Ground (Groundhog Song)" is no longer on YouTube. (So ignore my post, too.)

    Never fear, however, dear readers, as Viacom hasn't completed gone over the edge -- the video is now available on their main webpage for Jack's Big Music Show. Huzzah! (I still prefer the YouTube version, though, because it had manic Jack comments interspersed throughout the video.)

    What's that? You want more? Lyrics, perhaps? Well, Jack is obliging in this regard, providing two songbooks, including one with the lyrics for "I Hog". Steve's raised eyebrow when he sings "herbivore" is, sadly, not included.

    Reader Comments (2)

    Dude, Noggin is killing in my book. even with YouTube getting busted for however many thousands of videos, they KNEW we had to have our Steve(n)s. Yeah, the Jack comments were great. I miss them, too. But I'll take it this way. This is the MOST kick a** kids song EVER!
    February 7, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterdeb in sf
    I'm so glad Noggin added it to their site! I second your Huzzah!
    February 8, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterMrs. Davis

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