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    KidVid: I Hope My Momma Says Yes! - AudraRox

    So, the taste-making juggernaut of Jack's Big Music Show continues with this video for "I Hope My Momma Says Yes!" from New York-based AudraRox (see the video at Jack's webpage).

    Stylistically, this song isn't really like the rest of her fun debut album I Can Do It By Myself (review here), but the peppy bluegrass/country lends itself well to the madcap playing with the kids in the video. Plus, the band looks like they're having a blast. That's the difference, I guess, between kids music videos and adult music videos -- you rarely see a bunch of tormented kids pounding their hands against the wall in the rain.

    Reader Comments (3)

    next video we could doAll My Toys Are Broken@ get the kids crying for ya Stefan!
    February 11, 2007 | Unregistered Commenteraudrarox
    Hey, Audra, I'd rather see a video for "PRO - CRA - STI - NATION"... but you'll probably never get around to it...

    February 12, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterStefan
    OMG, I LOVE "I hope my momma says yes!" Each morning while getting my 3 y/o son ready for school I look in anticipation of the son coming on NickJr. Today it came on and I had a fit singing and dancing to it. I'm a college professor and yes, I LOVE "I hope my momma says yes"! Where can I get a copy of your work to play on the cd/ipod?
    March 9, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterCarlos Thomas

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