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    « KidVid Tournament 2007: "I'm From The Sun" (2) vs. "I Hope My Mama Says YES!" (3) | Main | KidVid Tournament 2007: "I Hog The Ground" (1) vs. "Forest Rhymes" (4) »

    KidVid Tournament 2007: "Farm Song" (2) vs. "Ya Gotta Have Pep" (3)

    The second competition in KidVid Tournament 2007 pits the #2 seed in the Ella Jenkins Region, "Farm Song" from Laurie Berkner against the #3 seed, "Ya Gotta Have Pep" from John Lithgow.

    Vote in the comments below. Rules: Video with most votes wins. One vote per e-mail address, please. Votes due by Friday noon-ish East Coast time.

    "Farm Song" - Laurie Berkner
    To view this video, go to Jack's Big Music Show player. Click on the right-facing triangle, roll over the picture of Laurie in a yellow shirt and click.

    "Ya Gotta Have Pep" - John Lithgow
    Click here here to choose the format you want to watch on Razor & Tie's website or, if you prefer, on YouTube.

    Reader Comments (6)

    john lithgow - something different! and fun!
    March 15, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterdeb in sf
    Okay--no stalemate here between my girls. They both announced "Pep"! enthusiastically. And promptly asked to see it again (though Laurie Berkner's video is very cute and catchy--love the bongo? Conga?).
    March 15, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterKaty L
    Lithgow, per my kids. A much better song. Unfortunately, it doesn't help that Noggin makes every Laurie Berkner video exactly same as the next.
    March 16, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterTito
    My kids love love love Laurie, so our vote goes to Farm Song.
    March 16, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterLauren
    Voting is now closed -- John Lithgow and "Ya Gotta Have Pep" advances to the Great Eight.
    March 16, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterStefan
    My vote goes to Pam Blanchard. She is my 4 year old's favorite artist.
    March 21, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterdavid lane

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