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    The Jellydots LIVE at SXSW

    The Sippy Cups and Daddy-A-Go-Go went back to the late '60s in namechecking the past at SXSW this weekend. The Jellydots didn't go quite that far back. Think late '80s. Think rappers wearing large clocks.
    Doug Snyder threw a little Public Enemy (who apparently had quite the set at Auditorium Shores) into "Race Cars Go."

    A Public Enemy reference. At a kids' show. (But appropriate for kids, in any case. Not like he sings "911 Is a Joke" or anything like that.)

    Jason Molin, who wrote the reggae-fied "Lake Rules" the band recorded on Hey You Kids! also caught Doug and the crew doing "Mr. Cookie."

    Reader Comments (2)

    flavor flaaaav! Rock it.

    That looks like (as my 6 yo would say) hecka fun!
    March 19, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterdeb in sf
    get up, a ge-ge-get down911 is a joke in your town!

    yeah boyeeeeee!!!
    March 20, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterjelly d.

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