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    Kids Write the Darnedest Songs

    You might be avoiding your NPR station this week (just pledge already!), but if you are, you would've missed a nice 7-minute interview with Kid Pan Alley founder Paul Reisler on this morning's Morning Edition.

    I love this quote from the piece:

    "In general, when I've worked with high school kids, the songs are not as good as the elementary kids because they're thinking linearly and logically as opposed to in image and metaphor."

    Linearly and logically? No wonder I'm a lousy songwriter.

    (Here's my review of the Kid Pan Alley CD.)

    Reader Comments (1)

    He's right! I just did my first songwriting session with high-schoolers this week, and it was much more difficult. They still came up with a great song, but they over-analyze a lot more than the younger kids do. The younger kids just let it fly!
    March 28, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterJosephine Cameron

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