One Final Ralph Covert Interview

OK, I think I've given Ralph Covert enough Ralph's World web space over the past two or three weeks to last quite some time, but Bill points out that Covert will be on today's (Wednesday's) All Things Considered.
Update: From NPR's daily rundown highlighting a piece from the next show (that'd be today's) - "In Ralph Covert's world, songs about psychic cats and happy lemons co-exist with songs about grumpy parents. He talks about his latest children's CD and how he writes songs for kids, adults and himself."
Update #2: Based on today's rundown, listen at around 50 minutes past the hour (which one depends on when your local station picks up the show) to hear the interview with Michele Norris live. Or just go here at 7:30 Eastern time to listen to a Windows Media Player version of the show (along with 3 tracks which if you're reading this you almost certainly already have). Or e-mail the heck out of the story and eventually it'll end up on NPR's most e-mailed stories list and possibly show up on an iTunes podcast.
Reader Comments (2)
Another good interview with one of the nicest, most articulate musicians in the biz.
Great blog! This is a wonderful resource for parents.
You may have already seen it; however, I thought I would post the comment I added to Sandra's Parents Place blog. See below and keep up the great work!
For purposes of transparency and full disclosure, I work for an agency that works on Kellogg's business. However, more importantly, I am the father of a four-year-old boy who is crazy about Ralph's World. I have had the good fortune of working with Ralph on "The Box of Fun" song and making of video. He is a really cool guy. You can see an interview with Ralph at:
Also, you can get a free download of "The Box of Fun" song at:
Anyway, I thought parents might find this interesting.