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    KidVid Tournament 2007 Champion: "Pieces of 8ight" - Captain Bogg & Salty

    After a furious day and a half of voting from more than 100 readers, we have a winner in our first (and probably not last) KidVid Tournament:

    PIECES OF 8IGHT! from Captain Bogg & Salty

    Frances England's "Tricycle" put up a good fight, but when you've got one of that video's stars, England's son Liam, voting for the competition, well, you know you're facing an unstoppable force.

    So the heartiest of congratulations from this landlubber to Captain Bogg's crew and to all the artists whose videos have amused us here the past few weeks. You have acquitted yourself admirably. I cannot offer you pieces of 8ight, but I can offer you my admiration.

    I will be randomly selecting a winner from the voters in the final and asking which CD they'd like to receive.

    Now, for one last time, your KidVid Tournament 2007 champion, "Pieces of 8ight," from Captain Bogg & Salty:

    (And because what tournament would be complete without "One Shining Moment"?)

    Reader Comments (2)

    Congrats to both finalists! Tricycle really grew on me as the tourney went on, but Pieces of 8ight was just too cool from the get-go. Way to go Captain Bogg and Salty!
    April 3, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterBrian D
    With as much grace and gratty-tude as an old sea salt like myself can muster: I thank ye for festooning PIECES of 8IGHT with this great honor. We're proud as parliament to claim this first KidVid Tournament and commend it to our treasure hold.

    Tis grateful, we are, to stand shoulder to shoulder with so many fine musicians and artists what dedicate themselves to truly cool music for the whole crew.

    And once again I must remove me hat to all those dedicated fans and volunteer-buccaneers of ours that spent the day galavanting around an empty elementary school with us, just to try an capture a little bit of pirate-rock on film. To them, does this honor truly belong!


    ~ Captain Bogg
    April 4, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterCaptain Bogg

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