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    (Not-So-)KidVid: Laurie Berkner Meets Steven Spielberg...

    ... and Joe Johnston.

    Did you know that Laurie Berkner teamed up with Steven Spielberg to film a very expensive video for "We Are the Dinosaurs"? Neither did I.

    It's the kids' music equivalent of "Thriller"!

    Warning: NSFK (Not Safe For Kids, at least those in Laurie's core demographic)

    Reader Comments (3)

    Hey -

    I'm Laurie's publicist - here to tell you what this is - in case anyone takes you literally! A TV station that was airing "Juraissic Park" asked for permission to use the song in a commercial. Hardly a Laurie Berkner/Steven Spielberg production!! :)
    May 17, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterSarah Geist Rosen
    May 18, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterdeb in sf
    “We are the Dinosaurs” for AMC is where the real clip came from. The short G version.
    May 21, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterShannon

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