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    Everyone Who Likes Preschool Fundraisers, Raise Their Hand

    Thought so.

    Since before we joined it, our kids' co-operative preschool has eschewed a yearly fundraiser for a flat "fundraiser fee." Now, why they just don't increase the actual tuition by 10 bucks a month is beyond me, but that's probably just a clear indication of why I don't have a bright future in sales.

    And given the virtual 24/7 fundraising our daughter is now asked to participate in through her (public school) kindergarten ("Mom, they say we need to order pizza tonight or they can't keep our music teacher"), I can assure you that the simple check-writing the preschool approach entails is a vastly superior approach. (Again. Not a retailer.)

    Having said that, if my neighborhood preschool actually put together a spring fair that included, among other things, sets from The Hollow Trees, the Squeegees, and Ellen & Matt, I'd probably go. Which means, if I lived in Silver Lake and my kid(s) attended the Neighborhood Nursery School, I'd probably attend their Spring Fair on Saturday May 19.

    As a side note, the "about" section for the fair says "No Bounce Houses, no corporate sponsors and no plastic bottles." Now, I'm with 'em on the plastic bottles, but why does NNS hate bounce houses so much? Bounce houses rule.

    Also, "no corporate sponsors?" Does that mean there are preschool fundraisers in LA that have corporate sponsors? Do companies fight to sponsor the pony rides?

    Like I said, Not. A. Retailer.

    Reader Comments (5)

    How can you have a kids' fair without a bounce house? Impossible!! My head just exploded!
    May 2, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterPhil
    We've actually been a bit careful about bounce houses ever since our friend's daughter's tooth got caught in the netting, and then in the hurly-burly, got ripped out (ouch!). She had to go to the emergency room.I agree about the whole school fundraising thing. A concert is a great way to go. So is a walk-a-thon. I get annoyed when our schools turn our kids into little salespeople (Sally Foster, anyone?). They even have rallies during school assemblies to get the kids excited about the prizes they could win if they sell more stuff. Who is really profiting here?Sales or no, maybe you could be the Bill Graham of the first fundraising concert at your daughter's school?
    May 2, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterKaty L
    I think I figured it out. Bounce houses use gas-powered generators and it's a "green" event. Yes, everybody will be riding their bicycle to the event...
    May 3, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterTito
    Awesome lineup! Love the squeegees and matt and ellen! I'll be there!
    May 4, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterJohn Peck
    The President of the School here. We just figured that everyone everywhere are using the bounce houses and wanted to be different. Pretty hard these days. So , drumroll, to replace the houses, we have a little train.
    May 11, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterTomas O Grady

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