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    Songs For Moms (Updated)

    Because the Police's "Mother" probably wouldn't sound so good on your Mother's Day mix CD, I first posted a list of songs for mom last year. It's time to drag it out again (and update it a bit)...

    Here's a list of songs for mothers or songs about mothers, in no particular order. I've avoided lullabies (songs by moms, typically), as well as songs about general parentual units, or songs about moms and dads. (If you're looking for songs about moms and moms, might I recommend AudraRox's excellent "Moms & Dads," which, song title notwithstanding, is about all sorts of families.)

    If a song isn't on the list, it's because of one of the three "O"s: Oversight (I knew about the song and just forgot), Omission (I knew about the song and chose to exclude it), or Obtuseness (I didn't know about the song at all). I expect the third category to be fairly large, so feel free to add your suggestions in the comments section.


    "Mama Don't Allow" -- numerous versions; try Brady Rymer's version off of Every Day Is a Birthday
    "Mama Hug" -- Brady Rymer, Every Day Is a Birthday
    "Mama Is Sad" -- Justin Roberts, Yellow Bus (it's a song about divorce, so I'm guessing it's not gonna go on too many mix tapes)
    "Five Little Ducks" -- try version on the Old Town School of Folk Music's Songs For Wiggleworms
    "Thank You Mommy" -- The RTTs, Turn It Up Mommy!
    "The Coffee Song" -- Ralph's World, At the Bottom of the Sea (not really about moms specifically, but it was the first song that came to my wife's mind when I mentioned the topic of the post)
    "Hush Little Baby" -- try version on the Old Town School of Folk Music's Wiggleworms Love You, though it's just as often that Dad is the person buying baby that billy goat
    "Mother and I" -- Bill Thomas (and a Circle of Friends), Time Can Be So Magic
    "Hope My Mama Says YES!" -- AudraRox, I Can Do It By Myself (more about the kid than the mom, but that's what Mother's Day sometimes ends up being, no?)
    "Mommy She Loves Me" -- Ginger Hendrix, Macaroni Boy Eats at Chez Shooby Doo
    "Nerves" -- Terri Hendrix, Celebrate the Difference (not really celebratory, but the recipient mom will nod her head in understanding, then ask you to get her a beer)
    "A Dozen Roses" and "I Made It For You" -- Peter Himmelman, both off My Green Kite

    Reader Comments (2)

    "Mother's Intuition" - Carly Simon (from Piglet's Big Movie soundtrack)"Mommy's Lips" - Daddy A Go-Go

    May 9, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterPhil
    The following is a mix I made as a party favor for a baby shower and now give to anyone who just had a baby. There are some mother songs and some father songs lots of parenting and just good to sing to your new baby songs. Thought you might like.

    Boy Meets Girl 2:28 Mel Brooks And Marlo Thomas Free To Be... You And Me

    1 Day, 2 Days, 3 Days Old 1:56 Elizabeth Mitchell You Are My FlowerThree Is A Magic Number 3:14 Blind Melon School House Rock! Rocks Soundtrack

    Tickle Time 2:23 Adam Bryant Rhinocerous Tap

    if you got 1 1:35 Justin Roberts Great Big Sun

    Dat Dere 3:17 Tony Bennett The Playground

    Little Red Caboose 2:22 Lisa Loeb And Elizabeth Mitchell Catch the MoonYou are My Sunshine 3:12 SibusisoAc-Cent-Tchu-Ate The Positive 2:37 Tony Bennett The Playground

    Wonder Wheel 3:23 Dan Zanes Family Dance

    The 3 R's 2:55 Jack Johnson Sing-A-Longs & Lullabies For The Film Curious George

    Sammy The Dog 1:28 Ralph Covert Happy Lemons

    All God's Chillun Got Rhythm 2:10 Tony Bennett The Playground

    Fiddle-I-Dee 2:34 Baby Sitters, The The Best Of The Baby Sitters

    Erie Canal 4:03 Bruce Springsteen We Shall Overcome: The Seeger SessionsParents Are People 3:09 Harry Belafonte & Marlo Thomas Free To Be... You And Me

    One Fine Face (Ernie and Elmo) 2:10 Sesame Street Sesame Street Platinum All-Time Favorites

    Let's Drop Monday 1:36 String Bean Jones (With The Lefty Jones Band) Live From The Bathtub

    Mr. Rabbit 1:37 Burl Ives Burl Ives Sings Little White Duck And Other Children's Favorites

    Catch the Moon 3:10 Lisa Loeb And Elizabeth Mitchell Catch the Moon

    You'll Always Be You To Me 2:50 Peter Himmelman My Best Friend Is A Salamander

    With My Own Two Hands 2:59 Jack Johnson Feat. Ben Harper Sing-A-Longs & Lullabies For The Film Curious George

    Sweet Mother 3:20 SibusisoWhere do they make balloons? 2:38 They Might Be Giants

    My Mom 4:38 Tony Bennett The Playground

    I Don't Want to Live on the Moon 2:24 Sesame Street Sesame Street Platinum All-Time FavoritesDad Caught Stars 3:58 Justin Roberts Not Naptime

    Magic Number 3:16 De La Soul 3 Feet High And Rising

    May 12, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterToni Jackson

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