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    New Dan Zanes CD: I've Got Good News, I've Got Bad News

    So, if I hear that Dan Zanes is releasing a new EP and a book described as a "sing-a-long activity booklet," I get excited.

    Until I hear that it's only being sold with his first four albums.

    Now for $43.97 for the boxset at Amazon and from Zanes himself, it's an excellent price, particularly if all you have is Catch That Train!.

    But for the DZ fanatics among us (raises hand), that's just a bit too steep (and not worth the effort to eBay all the copies we currently have).

    Music just wants to be free, Dan! Stop the double-dipping!

    1. Jug Band Music
    2. Jim Along Josie
    3. Sloop John B. (previously released)
    4. All Around The Kitchen (previously released)
    5. Home In That Rock

    Reader Comments (2)

    I'd love to hear his version of Jim Along Josie and read the book on making a Family Band. Topic close to my heart. But i was sad, too, that the only way to buy either one was in the bundle. I don't mind the re-packaging of songs. With as many as he's recorded, there are bound to be some I've missed (not being a completist, like some). But to have to buy ALL that stuff? eesh... I hope the package will come in pieces soon...
    June 13, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterdeb in sf
    Since we only have House Party and Catch that Train, I might consider it....

    Good investment, perhaps.
    June 14, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterGBK Gwyneth

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