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    Buy Low, Sell High, Listen to Elizabeth Mitchell

    By the way, welcome to those of you finding their way here from reading this weekend's brief article in the Wall Street Journal on useful kids' music sites. (It also mentioned The Lovely Mrs. Davis and Small Ages.)

    If I knew as much about business and entrepreneurship as I do about kids' music, I might be looking for homes in that "Featured Properties" section the Journal always has featuring swanky condos in Miami. (But one of the starter condos -- I don't know that much.)

    Anyway, look to the sidebar at the right, down a bit, for the archives and age-appropriate listings mentioned in the article. And thanks for stopping by.

    Reader Comments (1)

    Nice mention in the WSJ, for you and your kid-music-blogging cohorts. Some day the tide will turn and we who love great kid's music will no longer get the "huh?" look from fellow parents when we tell them about this stuff, and apologetically explain that it's not what they think. There's certainly been a critical mass of YAKMAs.

    June 24, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterKaty L

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