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    Reminder: Saturday Sing-Along With Doug Snyder

    If you live in the Phoenix area, don't forget that Doug Snyder, main man of the Jellydots, will be playing a free Saturday Sing-Along at Stinkweeds this Saturday, June 9, starting at 10 AM.

    (If you don't live in the Phoenix area, well, I can't help you then. Make your own Saturday music experience. Do Breakfast with Enzo Garcia in San Francisco. Or go to Baby Loves Disco in LA. Or listen to Spare the Rock, Spoil the Child or Greasy Kid Stuff. Or just sing and dance in the comfort of your own home. Whatever.)

    Doug's relocated here to Phoenix, so if you're in the area, this is a great chance to meet him. (And, if you or your kids have a hankerin' to learn guitar, to schedule a lesson.)

    Stinkweeds, located at Central and Camelback, will be opening up at 10 AM for this, and the weather looks like it'll be tolerable. (Whoo-hoo! Tolerable!) Come early, 'cuz based on the attendance last time, I think it'll be pretty packed.

    Look for me -- I'll be the guy with the lime-green uke.

    Reader Comments (2)

    Or if you're in Seattle, check out Recess Monkey on Saturday at Mercer Island Books, 11:00, or Sunday at the Lake Forest Park Farmer's Market, 11:00.Good luck Stefan, and say hi to the Flea for me!
    June 7, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterKaty L
    Great community stuff all over the place! So, if you'll be the guy with the lime-green uke, does that mean there'll be a duet? or three?
    June 7, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterdeb in sf

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