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Kids Music Worth Airing!
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    « Because NPR Hasn't Given Me My Own Show. Yet. | Main | Review Two-Fer: My Best Friend is a Salamander / My Lemonade Stand - Peter Himmelman »

    Kids Music? NPR? Yeah, That's Me.

    Hey there to all of you visiting thanks to my discussion on kids music with NPR's Melissa Block on All Things Considered this afternoon. I really didn't expect you over here today, just look, the place is a mess. Dusty and everything.

    Oh, well, always glad to have friends over.

    Just in case you're new 'round these parts, in addition to writing here (I've got interviews, news, and well over 200 reviews here), my writing can also be found at Offsprung, the Land of Nod music store, and assorted other places on the web and print.

    I'm also proud to be a co-creator of the Fids and Kamily awards, which determines the best of the year's music for kids and families by polling a number of critics and others involved with the kids' music business. My co-creators, Bill Childs of Spare the Rock, Spoil the Child and Amy Davis of the Lovely Mrs. Davis Tells You What to Think, are good resources if you're interested in this stuff -- Bill and his daughter Ella have got a great radio show and Amy covers not only music but other kids' pop cultural stuff.

    Don't ignore the other links in the sidebar to the right -- more radio shows, websites, and links to my posts here organized by artist or category, or even by age-appropriateness of the CD.

    Thanks for stopping by. More great stuff appears weekly from places that continue to surprise me. For links to my reviews of the CDs discussed on the program, click below...
    Peter Himmelman's My Green Kite (review, samples)

    DeSoto Records' Play (review, samples)

    Renee and Jeremy's It's A Big World (review, samples)

    The Terrible Twos' If You Ever See An Owl (review, samples)

    The Little Mo' McCoury CD won't be out 'til mid-August, and I haven't reviewed it yet. (Listened to it, yes. Reviewed it, no.) You can hear samples of the tracks here.

    Reader Comments (6)

    I just heard about your site from the NPR interview today. I went to it immediatley because this is something I could really use to help guide my children into the world of music. I writing to let you know about one of our famlies favortie childrens band...The Green Chili Jam Band out of New Mexico (ABQ, I think.) Their album "Coconut Moon" has been playing non stop since we got it. It is good for kids and grown ups alike. I think you would enjoy it!
    July 10, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterSarah Daney
    I heard about your blog on All Things Considered, and I'm sure glad I did! I don't have kids yet, but my friend is a very devoted aunt, and I shared your site with her.
    July 10, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterCarrie H.
    Yup, heard you on NPR today....really looking forward to digging into your site and seeing your suggetions. Really liked the Bob Marley remake, thanks for that! Cheers.
    July 10, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterChristy
    One small step for Zooglobble, one giant leap for (preserving the musical sanity of) parentkind. Nice interview! And happy birthday to the 2-year-old.
    July 10, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterKaty L
    I'm so glad I found you! Thank heavens for NPR. As the mom of two kids, i'm always looking for new music. Especially grateful to have heard Barefoot Nelly thanks to the interview!
    July 10, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterJen
    I heard about your blog on NPR. Just thought you'd like to know it is currently one of the top 5 most emailed stories on NPR.

    Thanks for the great source of information. I will be checking back often.
    July 12, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterJessica P

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