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« Road Trip! (Oh, Wait, We're Flying. Mostly.) | Main | Review: Campfire Sing-Along: Orange Sherbet & Hot Buttered Rum »

Nine Days of Great Kids Music in Chicago

Now, Kidzapalooza will rock Chicago August 3 through 5 (for more details, see here).

But the previous weekend is, well, pretty darn good in its own right if you'd rather fight local neighborhood throngs than fight the Pearl Jam and Ben Harper-obsessed throngs in Grant Park.

I've been waiting to post about the Summer on Southport festival on the 28th and 29th because I wanted to know the times, and I'm glad I did... check out the lineup.

Not only does it include Lunch Money... and ScribbleMonster... and Justin Roberts, it also includes, well, see for yourself:

Lunch Money 10:00 am
Seussical the Musical 11:00 am
Scribble Monster noon
Little Nashville 12.30 pm
Girl Authority 2:00 pm
Justin Roberts 2:00 pm

School of ROCK 11:30 am
Ralph’s World 2:00 pm

Girl Authority and Justin Roberts will be playing on different stages Saturday, though the '80s references on Roberts' classic Meltdown! might be a little bit up their alley.

Hey, Chicago, did I miss anybody?

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