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« Review: Class of 3000: Music Volume 1 - Andre 3000 | Main | Disney, the Carnegie Steel of the Kids' Music World »

The Best Day in the History of Kids Music?

Fifty years from now, will historians look back on Saturday, September 15, 2007 as the day that was the best day in the history of kids music?

Well, of course not, silly, that's just hyperbole.

But it's gonna be pretty darn cool.

In addition to the fine artists performing at Austin Kiddie Limits that day, Bill and I are proud to be hosting a fantabulous all-ages show at Austin's Ruta Maya coffeehouse.

Starting at 6 PM, you'll get to hear sets from Laura Freeman, the Telephone Company, Joe McDermott, and -- all the way from Brooklyn -- the Deedle Deedle Dees (with a full band, no less). And we'll end the show by 9 PM. Your kids will be guaranteed to sleep for 10 hours straight after all the dancing they'll do. (Note: Guarantee not valid in all 50 states.)

The cost for this show is a stunning $5 per person, with infants getting in for free. At that price, buy two tickets!

We'll have more details as we approach the day of the event, but if you're anywhere near Austin on the 15th, come on down and join us. The show will be a blast.

Reader Comments (3)

You, with the Austin biz-- Enough already! I'm jealous, okay?!?

(Hey Deb, we could still duck down there for a day or two. We could pull the kids out of school, share a motel room, and have a blast! Okay, maybe not. But a gal can dream...)
July 23, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterKaty L
This sounds great! I bet the Dees will go over VERY well in Austin!
July 23, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterMrs. Davis
I think motel rooms are out of the question, but I'm there. Max and I are totally going. Maybe even Annie and her dad, too...

July 24, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterdeb in sf

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