A Tip of Two Caps

I should have posted this before now, but it's been a busy three days 'round these parts. In any case, I wanted to note news from the kidstuneoblogosphere (yeah, I got a feeling that's the first and last time I'll be using that phrase).
First, Warren Truitt from the excellent Children's Music That Rocks website announced that he was going on hiatus due to his library's building being sold and the library being kicked out. "I'll be back...," he promises, and that's a good thing.
Also, Clea Hantman, who spun both kids music and music that kids just dug at (sm)all ages until deciding to focus once more on writing actual books than just mp3 posts, just released her latest book, 30 Days To Getting Over That Dork You Used To Call Your Boyfriend. Clea says, "it is the perfect gift for that 12-47 year old in your life who needs some perking up, some life lessons, some joy. It's filled with activities, nuggets of inspiration and of course, bitchin' soundtrack suggestions!" You can buy it in your friendly neighborhood bookstore or here.
And, thankfully, there's another mp3 blog to go with it -- Getting Over the Dork. Great break-up tunes. Hopefully you don't need it right now, but you never know...
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