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Listen To This: "The Water Tower" - Doug Snyder (The Jellydots)

I know Doug Snyder of The Jellydots is recording tracks for the next album, but in the meantime, he's involved a project called Friends of Niko.

It's a project started by Friend-of-Doug Loreta Boskovic, whose son Niko developed autism at some point after he turned 3 years old. To raise funds to provide some expensive therapy for her son, Boskovic wrote some pretty heartfelt lyrics and then turned to Doug to create some music to go with it. The result, "The Water Tower," has some fairly personal lyrics that are difficult to listen to if you're not in that situation, but the chorus (one line: "And you, forever in our minds / Like a water tower / That I don't notice driving by"), matched with a swooping chorus, fairly well soars.

Listen to the song below, but make sure you check out the website and Niko's story, and donate if possible.

Doug Snyder (The Jellydots) - "The Water Tower"

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