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« Video: "The Alphabet Song" - Big Don | Main | Back From the Tall Tree: Zooglobble on Kids Place Live »

This Was My Saturday

Wake up.

Eat breakfast, make sure the posts for the 2008 Fids and Kamily Awards are posting.

They're not, curse time zone issues, get those straightened out.

And congratulations to Justin Roberts, who took top prize (for the second time in three years) for the fabulous Pop Fly!. Congratulations, too, to the rest of the Top 10, the 10 honorable mentions, and all the nominated albums. (And thanks to Bill and Amy and all the judges for their help.)

Then it was off to soccer...
Sorry, I have no music-related soccer reference -- or at least, none worth tracking down. (If only Soccer Team had made a video for their awesome "I'll Never Fear Ghosts Again.")

After soccer, off to another Sing-Along Saturday at Stinkweeds. Playing once more was Dario and his compadres. We brought the kids' guitar and about halfway through the performance Little Boy Blue strode up to where they were playing, turned around and faced the audience. He was totally milking it.

From there (well, I should really note that we made brief stops at home between each item as our home was sort of the center of the wheel) it was time for another Music Together class with Little Boy Blue. Can't say that "Bongos" is my favorite of the MT sessions, but their version of "Little Liza Jane" isn't half bad. Not as good as Elizabeth Mitchell's or this guy's, but good enough...

Then it was off to the symphony for one of the Phoenix Symphony's Family Concerts. Miss Mary Mack and I went, and, among other things, got to sing a very abbreviated version of the Beethoven's 9th Singalong. It went better than this at least:

Finally, there was a hayride and, yes, even there we did some singing... but by that point we were pretty darn tired...

So there was a reason you didn't read much about music here this weekend -- we were spending too much time listening to and making it. A fair trade, I think.

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