You'll Be Spinning (Lunch Money): "Dizzy" Track Listing

A Fids and Kamily voter told me that 2008 "might've been the best year yet for kids-music album art," and while I'm inclined to agree, 2009 looks like it might be even better.
I told you before about Brandon Reese and his nascent career as a kids music illustrator.
Well, it continues as he's posted all his artwork for the new album Dizzy (OK, they didn't take any of your suggestions), set for official release in January by Lunch Money.
Woo. Hoo.
The album cover is here (with Molly's permission.) Go here to see all the details -- sketches, etc.
And, yes, Brandon, you did do them right.
Track listing follows...
1. 5' 7"
2. I Love My Library
3. Everybody's Coming to the Zoo
4. Somehow a Frog Finds a Pond
5. It Only Takes One Night to Make a Balloon Your Friend
6. Are You a Rabbit?
7. Dizzy
8. Ate Too Much of My Favorite Food
9. At the River
10. Wake Up, World
11. Tiny Dinosaurs
12. A Cookie As Big As My Head
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