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New Music From Bunny Clogs (Adam Levy from the Honeydogs)

MoreMoreMore.jpgOK, without even listening to the album, this album cover is one of my favorites of the year, and the band name wins "Best New Band Name," too.

The name makes a little more sense when you realize that it's the brainchild of Adam Levy, mainstay of the long-running Twin Cities band The Honeydogs (just repeat one band name after another). Anyways, for this side project, Levy recorded music at home with his kids (his daughters sing and his son did the art work for the record) and finished it with students at the music school at which he he teaches, the Institute of Production and Recording in Minneapolis. (Levy also recorded a couple tracks for that Down By The Riverside Twin Cities kids-comp released a couple years back.)

The result is More! More! More!. Oh, yeah, "Best Album Name," definitely.

You can hear six whole tracks at the band's Myspace page. I particularly like "Velveeta Girl and Squatsy," but all of the tracks have a definite slightly-skewed vibe to them, a la Mr. David or Me3 or Kimya Dawson. Electronica, lullaby, horns, even a little Prince, I think.

Anyway, the album will get a big push in the new year when it's formally released, along with a new Honeydogs album, but if you're an eMusic subscriber, you can get it right now...

Here's the tracklisting...
01. Olive's Olives
02. Pharaoh Pharouk's Phyrst Phood Phyramid
03. Velveeta Girl and Squatsy
04. Butter
05. Song for Powderhorn
06. Shpilkas
07. Confessions of a Teenage Lima Bean
08. 3 Dogs and a Pancake
09. Are We There Yet?
10. Midtown Greenway
11. Potatoes With Problems
12. Lullaby Pie 3.14

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