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« My New Music -- Sort Of -- From Peter Himmelman | Main | Absolutely Stefan »

Video (and More!): "The Tale of the Sun and the Moon" - Eric Herman

Another video from Washington's Eric Herman, this one for his "The Tale of the Sun and the Moon" (available on his mellow Snail's Pace compilation). The song, based on a Kenn Nesbitt poem, is not my favorite tune of Herman's by any stretch, but I think the video really adds a lot. The illustrations from Lauren Wilson have an ever-so-slight Gustafer Yellowgold quality to them, though I'll admit to missing Eric's wife Roseann's animations.

Eric Herman - "The Tale of the Sun and the Moon"

Oh, and all of you who had Sugar Free Allstars, ScribbleMonster, and Eric Herman in the "Name The Next Kids' Music Collaboration" pool, congratulations...
Herman's at home recording his next album for release in spring 2009, and as part of that album, he's recording a song called "How To Move a Monster" that features Sugar Free Allstars' Chris Wiser on organ and Jim Dague from ScribbleMonster as - duh - the monster. You can hear Wiser on the clip below -- for Dague, you're just gonna have to wait...

Eric Herman - "How To Move a Monster" (clip)

More interesting info can be found in Herman's newsletter, which you can sign up for at his homepage.

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