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Would Arthur Listen To This?

In the always-expanding Ziggy Marley to the stars. Last month Marley announced he was recording a kids' CD. No word on release date.

More of Marley on the subject, plus the obligatory video...
OK, go here to hear and see Marley caught on tape from earlier this fall.

Actually, don't. Because Marley pulls out the most tired kids' music quotation around, that "parents will enjoy this too." Just once, I'd like to hear a musician making an album for kids say, "You know, you're probably going to hate this -- but your kids are gonna love it." Or at the very least, "You know, I really don't care what the parents think -- I'm recording it for their kids."

Sigh. Go watch Ziggy's take on the Arthur theme song. This, I dig.

Reader Comments (2)

HI StefanI've heard some of the tracks, and they are very inspired- really, really beautiful. We got to meet Ziggy and his family this summer, and even to sing with him...xoliz
December 8, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterelizabeth mitchell
Hey, Elizabeth! I hope the new disk is worth spinning -- sounds like it will be. My appreciation of the "Arthur" theme shouldn't be construed as a dislike of whatever else he does.

I just wish artists would drop the "it's unbelievable! adults will like this too!" line. That line has long been obliterated (thanks in so small part to you, too...)
December 8, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterStefan

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